
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cole Family Pictures

Some cute pictures of the Cole family at the Railroad Museum in Lehi. Isn't that little one just a doll? She sure had lots of energy!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Kinsey's 1st Birthday and Cake Smash!

The adorable little Kinsey is turning 1! To celebrate we took some cute pictures, and let her enjoy a cake smash session. Unfortunately, not all babies enjoy the cake smash and as soon as she realized that the icing wouldn't come off of her hands she got pretty upset. Poor baby, but very cute ;) Check out more pictures in our Birthday/Cake Smash Gallery

Friday, November 21, 2014

Hazel's Newborn Pictures

This little baby was a complete angel! She slept the entire time! Isn't she just adorable?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hill Family Pictures

While doing lot of other family pictures, I realized I needed some of my own! My backup photographer came and helped us out by taking these cute shots :) Oh, and surprise! Check out more in our Family Gallery :)

Eversole Family Pictures

We had a great time with this family at a local farm! It happened to be cold that day, but thank goodness the rain didn't come! Check out more of their pictures in our Family Gallery!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Ferrell Family Pictures

I got so busy with photo shoots I got behind on my editing! I'm finally starting to get caught up!

This cute family was so fun to photograph! Their little girl just wanted to run all over the park so most of our photo session and posses had to be action shots, lol. We sure captured that little personality! Check out more of their pictures in our Family Gallery!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Nicole and Dallins Groomals Video

We did this video as we did the pictures of Nicole and Dallin's groomals at the American Fork Amphitheater. Aren't they adorable?!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Family Portrait Fall Special!

In honor of the beautiful fall colors, we're doing a Family Portrait Special! Appointment quantities are limited, so schedule ASAP! Please like and share with all of your friends so they can get a great deal too :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Nicole's Bridals

We did some groomals a couple of weeks ago, but we wanted some more special pictures of the bride! We even did a few in our studio. Check out more in our Bridals Album!

Bride in studio

Laura's Wedding

My dear friend Laura was married this past month! Check out her pictures in our Bridals and Weddings albums! What a gorgeous bride!

Bride turning to camera

Couple standing in front of Temple

Couple on bench

wedding pictures

Friday, September 12, 2014

Headshots for Jared

I did some headshots recently for Zac Efron! JK, this is Jared. But they seriously look alike right?... Check out more of his pictures in our Headshots Album!

headshots at provo library

headshots at provo library

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Groomals for Nicole and Dallin

These two are so awesome! Love them both and had a great time doing pictures for them! Check out more of their pictures in our Bridals Gallery!

Bride and Groom Pictures

Groom kissing brides cheek

studly groom

cute kissing bride and groom

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Downing Family

We had a fun time up at Jolley's Ranch in Springville. I even got to hold their darling little baby for a couple of pictures, I am a great multi-tasker ;)

Check out more of their pictures in our family gallery!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Engagement Pictures for Nicole and Dallin

These pictures were so fun! It was during some rather rainy weather so we took it between storms and got sprinkled on a couple of times. We also got a fair amount of mud on our shoes.

Check out more of their pictures in our 'Couples' Gallery!